Raw Peanutshttps://i0.wp.com/www.gastaldihnos.com.ar/wp-content/themes/aerious/assets/images/title-strokes/orange.png?resize=48%2C6&ssl=1


Where the received raw material is analyzed to determine its aptitude to be selected, or its rejection destined to peanut industry.


Basically, it consists of pre-cleaning peanuts in the shell and, if necessary, drying them to a humidity of 9% and their subsequent storage.


With the purpose of separating as many foreign bodies as possible.

Descascarado Gastaldi hermanos


That is, extract the grains from their pod.


Selection itself through specific weight separators, electromagnets and electronic selection machines, to separate foreign bodies and grains with damages and defects.


To classify the grains by size.

Tamanado Gastaldi hermanos

Packaging and Storage

It is packaged in Big bags or bags of 50 and 25 kg. and it is stored in tanks with controlled atmosphere (temperature and humidity).

Blanch Peanuthttps://i0.wp.com/www.gastaldihnos.com.ar/wp-content/themes/aerious/assets/images/title-strokes/orange.png?resize=48%2C6&ssl=1


It facilitates the subsequent extraction of the skin.


Through machines specially designed to achieve the detachment of the grain skin.

Electronic selection

To remove damaged grains, as well as grains with skin or skin debris.

Metal detection

To avoid contamination with ferrous and non-ferrous foreign bodies and stainless steel.

Packaging and Storage

It is packaged in Big bags or bags of 50 and 25 kg and stored in tanks with controlled atmosphere (temperature and humidity).


The container is loaded after being fully inspected and conditioned.