Peanut Crop Report as per June 7th, 2022
General Overview
As usual in June, the peanut farms are in full harvest stage. In general terms, our Peanut Crop Report indicates that, although the condition of the peanut is very variable depending on the geographical area that is analyzed, the crop in Argentina maintains good prospects in terms of yield and quality, facing the final stretch of the campaign. The digging has now concluded and 44% of the planted area has been harvested.

During the last season we observed a homogeneous crop. The 21-22 season shows different yields in the same area. There are large differences between lots that suffered drought stress conditions during the end of January and much of February, compared to those that passed the development cycle without major shocks. In addition, the projected yield decreased on those lots that have suffered a marked incidence of soil diseases caused by Sclerotinia or Fusarium. At the time of issuing this report, we, the Gastaldi Agronomic Team estimate a general weighted average yield between 2.7 and 2.8 tons/ha (inshell, dry and clean basis).
Comparing the new information with the one shown at the previous report, we observe the following:
Condition | Current report | Previous report |
Excelente | 10% | 10% |
Muy bueno | 15% | 15% |
Bueno | 30% | 25% |
Regular | 30% | 35% |
Malo | 15% | 15% |

If we compare the previous crop with the current one, we can say that at this same time, the physiological maturity of the peanuts was 60% while this crop shows a totally different scenario. The current percentages do not exceed 40/45%. This is a fundamental fact to consider and understand the expected lower yield.
Although the environmental and climatic conditions are adequate for an advanced harvest, due to the favorable climate, the lack of diesel at national level is slowing down the tasks. If this problem continues, the harvest will continue – as far as possible – but its transport to the plants will be delayed and could result in a loss of quality due to leaving the farmers stock on the farms and outdoors. If the lack supply of diesel continues and does not allow the progress of the harvesting tasks, the problem will become more serious because then not only the quality will be affected but also the final yield.
As from this moment and until the end of the harvesting season, the climatic conditions will be extremely important for defining the quality and quantity of the harvest, since 56% is still in the farms.
Our Reference Map of peanut production areas
The main peanut areas in Argentina include the provinces of Córdoba, La Pampa, San Luis and Buenos Aires.

Precipitation and temperature analysis
At the end of the month of May, we can indicate that the accumulated rainfall was scarce in the entire peanut area. As the BCCBA’s monthly rainfall report show, there is a negative balance of rainfall in terms of the historical average. According to data from the BCCBA, more than 99% of the departments show a deficit in their profiles. The entire analyzed area presented negative variations compared to the historical average.
We should consider that the lack of rain during this term, although it is an advantage for this current harvest, it will influence the soil moisture for the next season (see below the Distribution of useful water in Cordoba).

According to the thermal logs, the temperatures of May were lower than the historical average according to zonal statistics. The average minimum temperatures were around 10° C, while the average maximum temperatures were between 19° C and 22° C. (Source SMN).
At the end of May, due to the entry of a polar air mass, temperatures below 0 degrees were recorded, as indicated by the BCCBA map:

Distribution of useful water in Córdoba
Soil moisture can be at its maximum retention capacity or field capacity (Plants extract water without any difficulty). We call Useful Water, the range between the field capacity and the wilting point.
The figure shows that, at the beginning of June, in the peanut area, the values of useful water are in absolute drought.

Final Evaluations
The harvest continues its progress and yield expectations remain as mentioned in previous reports.
As stated at the beginning of this report, during La Niña years it is difficult to make any predictions because the amount of rainfall is different in some areas and even, some fields within the area and this creates different prospects. Our estimate of average yields is between 2.7 and 2.8 Tn/ha, inshell, dry and clean, so we would be in the presence of a peanut below the historical average, well behind the previous peanut harvest that was excellent.
Although the peanut yields are not as desired, the quality, so far, is good and exceeds our expectations, despite having gone through a crop full of climatic and agronomic difficulties (drought and early frosts). There is no presence of aflatoxin, but yes, the size of the peanut is smaller compared to last year.
The progress of the peanut harvest is at 44% of the total planted area and the following table shows the evolution:

Extended weather forecasts do not foresee significant rains for the coming weeks, so if it comes true, it will be ideal to finish the harvest tasks smoothly.
The lack of fuel is a great concern, since we are at a key moment of the harvest and with the peak of demand. Every day that passes the panorama worsens, since transporters and producers do not get diesel, making it difficult to carry out harvesting tasks and long-distance trips to look for the farmer’s stock that is in the fields.
At the end of this report, we estimate that approximately 6 to 8 weeks will be needed to complete the entire harvest.

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